About Hans Westgeest |
Hans Westgeest (born 1954) studied Dutch language and literature at the University of Leiden, majoring in Middle Dutch literature and minor subjects Dutch linguistics, music history and codicology. He graduated in 1979 with a thesis entitled Benamingen van muziekinstrumenten in het Middelnederlands ("Names of musical instruments in Middle Dutch").
In 2006 he obtained his PhD at the University of Leiden with a philological-codicological dissertation entitled De natuur in beeld. Middeleeuwse mensen, dieren, planten en stenen in de geïllustreerde handschriften van Jacob van Maerlants Der naturen bloeme ("Images of nature. Medieval people, animals, plants and stones in the illustrated manuscripts of Der naturen bloeme by Jacob van Maerlant").
From 1980 he worked at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology (INL) in Leiden, first as a junior editor, and from 1982 as editor of the Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal (WNT)
After its completion in 2001, Westgeest was affiliated with the INL's Dutch Language Bank, among others. From 2016 he was employed by the Institute for the Dutch Language (IvdNT), which replaced the INL since that year. There he worked as a linguist/researcher in particular with the Corpus Hedendaags Nederlands (CHN).
His research interests include lexicology, Jacob van Maerlant, philology, codicology and music history.
Dr. J.P. Westgeest
email: hans.westgeest@gmail.com